Sunday, August 4, 2013


Jesus gave sight to many blind people during his time on earth. He healed all these people in different ways. One, He made mud and put it on his eyes and told him to go wash it in a specific pool.  Another he just spoke to and he was heals. Still another he touched and asked him if he could see, yet this story does not end here, because the man replied I can see people and the trees, then Jesus touched him again and he saw everything clearly (Mark 8:22-25). If he could see trees and people didn't that mean he had sight. That was what he wanted, why did Jesus touch him again?

Physical sight is something many of probably take for granted all to often. We take our spiritual sight for grant mush more often. As creations of God we were given a "free" will, to make decisions right or wrong. We also were given a spirit or conscience. That spirit gives us spiritual sight, to know and discern right and wrong, thoughts, actions, emotions, and other things. Now maybe this man's sight physically needed to be healed, and also his spiritual sight. Like many of ours may need healing. 

I spend a lot of time online, watching TV and media, and talking about things, I know, I see and hear things that are not very spiritually uplifting. The more I do this the blinder I get to the discerning spirit I have been given. As a christian I should be controlled by the Holy Spirit, I sometimes allow spiritual blinders to be in place and I do what I know I should not. I need my sight to be healed quite often. So I need to reach out to Jesus and ask for my sight to be healed! Then maybe I can see all that He has for me to see, clearly!

Lord, please help me to gain the spiritual sight that you long for me to have. Help me to see the things you wish for me to see with the sight and vision only you can give. 

The Quote:
"The most pathetic person is someone who has sight, but has no vision." ~ Helen Keller  
The Drawing:


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