Friday, January 25, 2013


When I have to wait I get impatient at times, like a child who wants a cookie. Their Mom is in the middle of doing something important, she says to wait. The child can chose to do as the Mother has said and wait, until she brings the cookie to them. They can jump up and down, cry, and plead until Mom either gives in or says they will not be getting a cookie at all for their behavior.  Or they can go try to get it themselves, possibly get hurt or brake something.

Waiting on an answer to prayer is like this also. When we pray we want an answer right away. We get impatient. God has perfect timing, He knows when and what is best for us. He will give us the answer in due time. Our job is to wait and and be thankful for the answer that will come. I have to admit I am usually like the second or third child, I  beg, beg, beg, jump up and down and yell about waiting an answer, while God simply says, you still have to wait, maybe even longer now. Or I jump in and do what ever I can to make MY answer come about, that is when something usually gets broken or I get hurt.

God says to wait on him.... I need to do that better.

The Quote:
"Wait on the Lord;
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart;
Wait, I say, on the Lord!"  ~Psalms 27:14
The Drawing:

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