Monday, January 11, 2016


Today, My bible reading was from Genesis 25 and 26, and there was a very good statement in the devotional. It stated, "God has no grandchildren." At first it took me a minute to grasp, but it is true. If we believe in Jesus, that he lived died and rose from the grave to become our Lord and savior then we are God's children, each person has to make their own decision about this truth. No one can do it for you, you can get to heaven on the skirt of your family, church, or anything other than believing in Christ.

The devotional went on to say that it is the same with the promises of God, "Each succeeding generation must learn to receive and rest in the in them personally in order to enjoy their benefits, God has promises for you today that Christians have been claiming for centuries."

So when I sing "Standing on the Promises" I am have to claim them  for myself, I can't let my pastor claim them and get the benefit. I have to claim them personally. I have to step out, grab a hold, and hang on tight, to the promise God has given me. Whether it be the promise of salvation or the promise that God will never flood the earth again. I have to believe and claim that Rainbow for myself!

So today, as I am thinking about all my friends and family who are struggling I am claiming the promise that God said he would hear my prayers, my supplication, my interceding, and my cries for healing. I claim the promise that God has perfect timing and he has everything in His control. I know He never said it would be easy and He never will let me down (even if it feels that way). I claim His promise of everlasting and unconditional Love. Thank-you Lord for all your promises. Help me to remember you are faithful and just and will be my everlasting champion! Amen

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