Friday, July 19, 2013


"Što je svrha mog života?" "What is the purpose of my life?"

Every person on earth has a purpose. What is the purpose of my life? Of your life? That is a question everyone asks at least once in their life, maybe more. The question is a right of passage of sorts for most young people, as we age we ask it when we start new relationships or jobs, or when a loved one dies. Where do we find the answer to this question?

The times that I have asked myself this question I look to God for the answer. Then the question changes to "Znaš li ti svrhu mojeg života?" "Do you know the purpose of my life?" You know He does! He has a plan and a purpose for us all. That plan or purpose may not be the same as ours. We may not like what God has for our lives because along the way there will most definitely be trials and problems. We may even fail a few test along the way (paper test and spiritual test), God had all that worked into His plan for our lives. He knows every step we take before we take it and He allows us to walk away from His perfect purpose for our lives to helps us grow in His grace and mercy. So if you don't know the purpose of your life, or you are questioning yourself about what you want it to be. Ask God... He is listening, He is there, He will show you...

Now, what is the purpose of my life? (Što je svrha mog života?) I am still working all of it out. I do know that God wants me to love others more than I love myself, to help those in need, and to reach out to the hurting. I know He wants me to give my whole life to Him and be willing to do anything He sets before me. The next question is... "Am I willing to do that?" (Jesam li spremna za to?)

God, I pray that you will show me the purpose you have for my life. I know there will be problems and tests along the way and I may fail them terribly, give me the strength to get back up, dust myself off and go forward. Help me to be willing to do anything you put before me.

You may be wondering why I am using Croatian and English. I asked a friend to help me with a word for this blog today. She is Croatian and so I am using a little of both. Thank Ines!

The Quote:
"To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1
"Za sve ima svoje doba, i vrijeme za svaku svrhu pod nebom." ~ Propovjednik 3:1 
The Drawing:

1 comment:

  1. Love the post. The title should be SVRHA - PURPOSE as the infinitive of svrhu is svrha, and that is what you're looking for here. Love, L
