Saturday, January 6, 2018

Wonder Woman

The prompt today in my drawing book was comic book cover. I looked at a few and decided to do Wonder Woman, not sure why and it didn't turn out very good. I will still share it though.

So in the bible there are many woman who stand out as "wonder women" in my eyes. God used these women in many different ways and for many different reasons.

Eve, even though she was tricked by the serpent and facilitated the fall of mankind, is a wonder woman because she is the mother of us all, really. A thought came back to my mind just now... why do we see so many differences in each other and use those to hate? We all come from the same place, we all have the blood of Adam and Eve. We are all family. I have to shake my head when I think of how far we have strayed from who God truly wants us to be. Then I remember Cain and Abel...

Moses' Mother and Miriam his sister are two more wonder women. The Pharaoh had decide the Jews were getting to strong and ordered all the boys under a certain age to be killed. Moses' mother saw he was someone God was going to use and so she hid him. Then found a way to safely see that he lived. His sister watched as Pharaoh's daughter found him, then offered to find a Jewish wet nurse to feed him, his mother.... And yes later in the story Miriam loses ground and complains a little too much which was enough to not allow her to go to the promised land. She was still a wonder woman.

Ruth is my favorite book in the Old Testament. The person who the book is about is definitely a wonder woman. She could have easily stayed behind in her homeland and not helped her mother-in-law Naomi. Yet, she loved her mother-in-law and her family, so she followed her to a strange land with strange customs. As a result she because David's Grandmother. What a wonderful thing.

Mary of course is also a wonder woman, not only because she is the mother of Jesus, but because she was faithful enough for God to use in that way. I know that many believe she was sinless, that I don't believe is true for this reason... Jesus had to be all man and all God. If Mary was sinless He could not have been all man, for only God is sinless. But that is just my belief, as always we have the right to interpret and read the Bible the way the spirit leads us, individually. Mary, I believe had other children, she went to listen to the teaching of her son and was there when He died. She and her other children, I believe put their faith in Him at some point during this time or shortly after His resurrection.  I believe as a human mother she did her best to raise her son.

Another wonder woman example is Priscilla. She was married to a man named Aquila. They were tent makers in Corinth, they gave Paul a job, traveled with him, and helped him in his ministry.  Priscilla was a good hard working woman and offered what she had to the furtherance of the gospel. She is an example in the New Testament that I would like to pattern my life after. I believe she personifies the woman spoke of in Proverbs 31.

There are so many more women in the Bible who are wonder women. I could never mention them all. It is my prayer that I could be a wonder woman for God, I can only pray and hope that God will find a way to use me for His honor and glory. That is my prayer for you also. Thanks for reading, God bless you!

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