Tuesday, June 5, 2018


The 1st word in this 100 word journey is divine... Merriam-Webster Dictionary says:

This is a hard word to start with because there is no explanation needed for the word. Divine is divine is divine, I think everyone reading this blog knows the word and understands the ways it is used. 

So, let me talk about divine intervention.... do you believe in miracles? Do you believe God can and does heal or stop something tragic from happening? Do you see divine intervention in the world around you? I do... almost daily! 

It is a miracle everyday that I wake up. Every time I take a breath is a divine intervention. I should not be here today. And I believe if it wasn't for divine intervention I would not be. God sent His intervention in the form of doctors and nurses, but it was still His intervention. Some of you reading this may know about these events in my life but let me recount them here for myself and those who don't... it is good to look at the past blessing God has miraculously showered on you so you can see the present ones He is bestowing on you daily!

When I was a small child (4 I think), 2 things happened that could have been very bad... One day I wanted to take a bath with my puppy... my caretaker started the bath water, but turn on nothing but hot water. Instead of getting in first I put the puppy in... she was burn very badly. That could have been me! Divine intervention? I think so... oh yes the puppy lived and was my dog for a very long time. Then the adventurous me climbed up shelves and got down the baby aspirin... I took the whole bottle except for 1 that I gave my brother. By the time I was seen by the doctor it was too late to pump my stomach... I was in the hospital a day or two (I guess). It was a Catholic Hospital and I saw Nuns everywhere, I thought they were angels. In a way they may have been....

When I was 9, it was in the summer I had appendicitis, for the whole day I had been hurting, my mother took me to my doctor. He thought that maybe a fall off my bike could have been the problem. That evening I could not get comfortable while watching TV. My dad took me to another doctor who told him to get me to the hospital as soon as possible. I had an appendectomy that night. My appendicitis was about to rupture! Divine intervention?

On January 9, 1977, I was going out with friends. My friend and I never made it to our destination. We were in a very bad car wreck. There were so many times that night and in subsequent days and nights that I could have died, but didn't. I believe God intervened for some reason and allowed me to live. I have lots of scars, physical and otherwise. I still to this day do not remember anything that really happened, after I left my house until I woke up after surgery 3 or 4 days later, except bits and pieces. For a long time after the wreck I tried to figure out why God would keep me here, for what purpose. I still don't really know. 

Fast forward to 2008, I have had a daughter and she has graduated from High School. I am 48 years old and a teacher. I am strong, and healthy... or so I thought. I exercised everyday and I was eating correctly, I had lost almost 80 pounds but.... I had started smoking again! My back had been hurting for a month or so. I thought I had pulled a muscle but I kept on working out and walking daily. Then on March, 2008... I had my first heart attack. It could have been really bad, because I almost didn't call emergency services. I got that taken care of and on March 23, 2008, Easter Sunday, I went back to the hospital with congestive heart failure. As a result, I have a pacemaker/defibrillator. Again, divine intervention?

In November 2012, I had another heart attack. God helped me through that also, because even though I was saying I was having a heart attack every test they did was saying that I wasn't, until the EKG that was done right after I was told I was just having angina. God had my back, and I am glad. Now, I worry all the time that I will not know for sure if it is a heart attack or not when I have pain. But I believe that God will intervene with divine intervention if it is His will for me to continue on in this life. 

Divine intervention is my explanation for me still being here. My guardian angel has had to step in the way of disaster to save my life many more times that these I am sure.... all these examples God sent His help, His intervention in the form of doctors and nurses whom I am thankful for every day! Even my puppy saved me, unknowingly to her. God knows all, is all powerful, and is every where.... He is sovereign and He knows what He is doing. He has a reason for me to be here still.... it would be nice to know why, because most of the time I feel as though the air and space could be given to someone more worthy than me. I am thankful for His loving intervention!

Thanks for reading. God bless you all!

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